Quality and certification

Photo: Niclas Moberg
Skogssällskapet aims to ensure consistent and high quality in all its activities. Here, you can read about our certification systems and Personal Data Policy.
Skogssällskapet’s objective is to promote sustainable development of forest and land, in ecological, economic and social terms. We see it as a challenge to find the best combination of profitability and good environmental and nature conservation, while considering the needs of people who work and spend time in the forest.
Skogssällskapet in Sweden is an umbrella organisation for FSC® (logo usage licence number FSC-C017993) and PEFC (logo usage licence number PEFC/05-22-58), so forest owners can certify their forest property through us.
Skogssällskapet in Latvia is an umbrella organisation for FSC. Read more about certification in Latvia.
In-service training and skills development for our staff is vital to our work on quality, so we carry out regular evaluations and arrange internal training courses.